“Good products come from a good business environment with a commitment to synergy of Quality, Cost and Human Resources”:
This is the guiding principle of Hokusei Rubber Industry. While creating a solid business foundation by incorporating customers’ needs into our products and focusing on the market, we are leading the industry in our sector.

Since its establishment in 1930, Hokusei Rubber Industry had focused on the manufacturing and sales of rubber footwear until 1972, when its core business shifted completely to the manufacturing of industrial rubber products.
We have since emerged as a leading manufacturer of a comprehensive line of industrial rubber products that cater to the automotive and building construction industries as well as to the civil engineering, roadways, and electrical and chemical sectors. In August 1986, a new plant was constructed, and the "Kanban System," which is centered around the Toyota Production System, was introduced to implement an efficient manufacturing system. We remain committed to fulfilling the diverse variety of requests from our customers.
We aim to scale new heights by strongly promoting quality control and pursuing a sounder management structure.
Our goal is to "contribute to society by offering high-quality products." We will continue striving to become better taking this as the guiding principle. Thank you for your support.
President and Representative Director Shinichi Komeya

Corporate Overview
- Corporate Name
- Hokusei Rubber Industry Co., Ltd.
- Address
- Postal code: 938-0054
362-14, Oka, Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture - Foundation
- July 20, 1930
- Capital
- 61,000,000.- yen
- Number of Employees
- 390 (as of August 2023)
- Membership of Societies
- The Society of Rubber Science and Technology, Japan, and Manufacturers Association of Building Gasket
- Granted contractor's license
- License number: 12958 (general-17) granted by Governor of Toyama Prefecture
- ISO Management System
- Certified according to ISO-9001 and ISO-14001.
- Board Members
President and Representative Director Komeya Shinichi
Vice President and Representative Director Komeya Yuji
Executive Managing Director Saito Yasuyoshi
Executive Officer Yamada Shiyotake
Executive Officer Nagayama Toru
Executive Officer Takase Youichi
Auditor Sugano Katsushi
- 1930
- Founded under the name of Hokusei Rubber Material Industry
Started production of the general footwear made of all rubber
- 1948
- Renamed to Hokusei Rubber Industry, and set up the Footwear Division and the Industrial Rubber Products Division
- 1960
- Received certification as the JIS Certified Plant, and started marketing of the traffic safety rubber cone (Safety Rubber Cone)
- 1972
- Stopped operation of the Footwear Division, and converted entirely the business category into the industrial rubber products
- 1974
- Received PM (Plant Maintenance) Award from Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance, and from Japan Management Association
- 1976
- Started manufacturing of building material rubber products
- 1986
- Moved to the newly constructed headquarters building and the main plant at the present location
- 1989
- Constructed the Building Material Testing Center
- 1990
- Constructed the new office building
- 1992
- Constructed the second rubber manufacturing plant at Kine, Nyuzen-machi, Toyama Prefecture
- 1993
- Introduced the Synergy (of PM, QC and TPS) movement
- 1997
- Certified as the authorized manufacturer of the Fire Retardant CR Rubber Gasket for the Class-B fire door by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
- 1998
- Certified as the authorized manufacturer of the Fireproof Cyclic Gasket by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(Certification number WN1196-C2116-G2106 for Pca version) - 2000
- Cerebrated 70th anniversary
- 2003
- Constructed the new Technical Center
- 2004
- ISO 9001:2000 Certified (February)
ISO14001:2004 Certified (December) - 2007
- Selected by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as the "300 Active Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in 2007"
Transferred production of the Safety Rubber Cone - 2009
- Renewed the Corporate Identity (CI)
- 2011
- Constructed the new welfare building according to the construction of bypass for the National Highway Route 8

Policy on Procurement of Conflict Minerals
We are concerned that the mineral resources mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and its nine neighboring countries may be being used to fund the armed forces in the area, leading to human rights violations and environmental destruction. To avoid such tragedies, we are working with our customers and suppliers to review our supply chain to identify anomalous suppliers, so as to ensure that our procurement activities do not result in the acquisition of minerals in support of any armed force.
Hokusei Rubber IndustryGuidelines on the Management of Environmentally Hazardous Chemical Substances
At Hokusei Rubber Industry, we have established "Guidelines on the Management of Environmentally Hazardous Chemical Substances" to promote comprehensive and systematic responses in the event of accidents involving environmentally hazardous chemical substances—both within and outside the company. We keep endeavoring to properly manage and handle such substances.